Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Relationships, Cars and Butterflies...

You don't have to worry about relationship issues all the time. Relationships are relationships, what else do you expect them to be?! Some are fast running cars, others are slow, some even refuse to run after sometime. But relationships are not cars, they are even worse if they don't run--Only if you worry about them... but relationships are relationships, not cars.

It's mid March––Spring. I just spotted a white butterfly, the first of this season. It was weary and must be looking for some place to lay eggs before it dies. They are beautiful creatures, who're never even able to see their babies growing during their lives. They propagate just for us. They have a short life, but they spread the beauty and color all around. We like them, but they are not important at all. For us, cars are more important...

[Photo: A car Hasnat used to own. Probably some 1970s Honda, in Lahore]

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